Disability 支持 服务 - Garrett College-澳门足球博彩官方网址
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Disability 支持 服务

Disability 支持 服务 is dedicated to helping students with documented disabilities access all of the educational opportunities and 服务 offered by the College.

Garrett College seeks to provide complete and open access to higher education for all. In this spirit, Garrett College offers support 服务 to enable students with special needs and/or disabilities to gain from their educational experience.

There are significant differences in how students obtain accommodations in college than in high school. Academic accommodations are not automatically put in place; students must be self-advocates and request 服务. 学生 who wish to obtain accommodations for their classes must follow Disability 支持 服务 (DSS) procedures:

  1. Complete the Application for 504/ADA Accommodations.
    • Provide details about barriers you experience in your academics.
    • Discuss accommodations that would work best for you and how to set up those accommodations.
    • Please note, you are not considered fully registered with the office until you have been approved for accommodations.
    • 记录 provided are kept strictly confidential, and information provided is shared only with permission provided by the student.
  2. Schedule an intake appointment with the Office of Student Development.
  3. 学生 will be required to provide current (within the past three years), written professional documentation in order to verify eligibility for special 服务. Such documentation can be in the form of medical reports or psychological evaluations and must specify how learning is impacted including specific accommodations to assist in the learning process.

Commonly Used Accommodations

  • Tutorial 服务 for all classes
  • Math, Writing, and Reading Labs
  • Special Academic 建议
  • Notification to professors for recommended accommodations
  • Extended time for testing
  • Alternative testing (oral, test reader, use of writer/scribe)
  • Taped textbooks (arranged by student through national organization)
  • Enlarged handouts, tests, etc.
  • Tape recorder for classroom use
  • Note taker
  • Accessible classrooms and campus facilities
  • Interpretive 服务 for hearing impaired
  • Mobility assistance
  • Special parking spaces
  • Referral to other agencies
  • Other support 服务 as appropriate

Other Important Information

 Mailing Address

Office of Disability 支持 服务 (DSS)

687 Mosser Road
麦克亨利, MD 21541
电话: 301-387-3749
 DSS 工作人员

Disability 支持 服务 工作人员

Ms. Kym Newmann, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Mr. Nick Pratt, Academic Success Specialist: Transfer & 测试
Ms. Karen Linton, Academic Success Specialist: Workforce Development
电子邮件: ADA504@200sx-silvia.com
Telephone: 301-387-3749 or 301-387-3715 | 传真: 301-387-3157

Garrett College does not discriminate in admissions, access, treatment, or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. Garrett College subscribes to full access to all college facilities as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and as amended.